Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Peak is TAG Grant Qualified

My company, Peak Enterprise Solutions, has just been qualified to deliver training and education for Lean Manufacturing under the Indiana Training Acceleration Grant (TAG) program.

By partnering with the Apprentice Academy of South Bend and Vincennes University, the Lean Enterprise Education curriculum developed by Peak is eligible to be used as part of a TAG grant where the company will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses incurred for on-site training and education for Lean Manufacturing.

In addition to the reimbursement from the state, the individuals that participate in the program can qualify for course credit in the Vincennes University Business and Industry Division continuing education program “Customized Certificate of Applied Learning in Advanced Manufacturing”.

This hands-on education and training program is a great way for a company to start down the path to Lean and with the TAG grant, out-of-pocket expenses for this training are reimbursed by the state.

Why Peak Enterprise Solutions? All of our consultants have 25+ years of experience in both consulting and management, our approach uses a proven methodology, our projects are ROI based and we are locally owned.

Please visit the site for more information regarding the TAG grants.